is a simple and free tool (freeware). It is most likely installed as part of
the oracle portal installation. You can do a search for ldapsearch.exe on the Portlet
Provider server. If you find it, then you can use it. If not, you need to
download it from the internet and install it on Portlet Provider, then you can
do the search from there.
ldapsearch -h <oid hosturl> -p
3060 -D cn=orcladmin -w <cn=orcladmin
login password> -b
"cn=SSO,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext" -s base
can also get Ldapbind.exe and run the following commands to test the
connectivity to the Ldap server. You should see “Bind Succeeded” as the result.
ldapbind -h <oidhost1 name> -p 3060 -D "cn=orcladmin" -q
Input cn=orcladmin password when prompted.
ensures that connection to the ldap server can be established.
Go to the following links for more information:
Go to the following links for more information:
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